Researchers trace Mercury’s origins to rare meteorite
Experiments show planet cooled dramatically in half a billion years.
Experiments show planet cooled dramatically in half a billion years.
New study finds meteorites were byproducts of planetary formation, not building blocks.
The moon’s molten, churning core likely once generated a dynamo.
A new map of the solar system’s asteroids shows more diversity than previously thought.
Method will help scientists determine the mass of exoplanets that are not measurable in any other way.
Scientists find that Mars, not Earth, shakes up some near-Earth asteroids.
Researchers find that huge craters on the near side of the moon may overstate the intensity of asteroid impacts about 4.1 billion years ago.
Beyond the solar system, a probe launched in 1977 is likely to find a cold, dense sea of cosmic rays.
Potentially habitable planets are slightly larger than Earth.
Josh Winn’s hunt for exoplanets may someday reveal habitable, Earth-like worlds.
Massive lava flows may have given rise to two distinct rock types on Mercury’s surface.
Twin spacecraft create a highly detailed gravity map of the moon, finding an interior pulverized by early impacts.
Ice and organic material may have been carried to the planet by passing comets.
A meteorite found in Antarctica holds evidence of a once-active dynamo on Vesta.
Researchers measure the orientation of a multiplanet system and find it very similar to our own solar system.