MIT researchers to receive awards from the Society for Neuroscience
Three neuroscientists at MIT have been selected to receive awards from the Society for Neuroscience.
Striking the cord: Optical control of motor functions
Grad student Chi Lu and colleagues demonstrate a highly flexible polymer probe for triggering spinal-cord neurons with light and simultaneously recording their activity.
Autism as a disorder of prediction
Researchers suggest autism stems from a reduced ability to make predictions, leading to anxiety.
Picower and MIT scientists awarded BRAIN Initiative grants
Researchers will advance our understanding of the human mind and discover new ways to treat, prevent, and cure neurological disorders.
Modeling shockwaves through the brain
New scaling law helps estimate humans' risk of blast-induced traumatic brain injury.
Using science for service
Sofia Essayan-Perez is inspired by those around her to teach in Nicaragua, conduct neuroscience research.
Picower study finds connection between rare muscle disease and autoimmune disorders
Patients with a rare neuromuscular disorder and those with nerve damage tied to autoimmune disorders may share the same faulty synapses.
$650 million commitment to Stanley Center at Broad Institute aims to galvanize mental illness research
Transformative partnership with Ted Stanley will spur researchers to reveal biology of psychiatric disorders.
Controlling movement with light
MIT neuroscientists inhibit muscle contractions by shining light on spinal cord neurons.
Rett syndrome drug shows promise in clinical trial
MIT neuroscientists report more detail on how the disease arises.
How a new approach to funding Alzheimer’s research could pay off
Model indicates that diverse research approaches to the disease would be a rewarding investment.