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Nanoscience and nanotechnology

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Displaying 901 - 915 of 1066 news articles related to this topic.
This filament containing about 30 million carbon nanotubes absorbs energy from the sun as photons and then re-emits photons of lower energy, creating the fluorescence seen here. The red regions indicate highest energy intensity, and green and blue are lower intensity.

Solar funnel

New antenna made of carbon nanotubes could make photovoltaic cells more efficient by concentrating solar energy.

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A symmetrical droplet (top) forms on a surface with straight nano-pillars, while on a surface with bent pillars (bottom) the droplet is asymmetrical, extending out only to the right. Inset images are micrographs of the surface structure.

Pushing droplets around

MIT researchers find a way to make drops on a surface move in just one direction, with possible applications ranging from biology to electronics

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