How crispy is your bonbon?
New theory, inspired by chocolate coatings, predicts thickness of thin shells.
New theory, inspired by chocolate coatings, predicts thickness of thin shells.
Senior YQ Lu finds new ways to combine math and paper art, shares his passion for both.
Devadas, Grossman, Sipser, and Tang awarded MIT’s highest undergraduate teaching award.
New quantum computer, based on five atoms, factors numbers in a scalable way.
Surface waves can trigger powerful sound waves that race through the deep ocean, study suggests.
Student-run program, SHINE for Girls, teaches middle schoolers mathematics through dance.
A major renovation project preserves a century of history, paves the way for the future of mathematics.
Faculty from eight MIT science and engineering departments among 126 selected from across the U.S. and Canada.
MIT's "mathy philosopher" makes mind-blowing ideas accessible.
MIT professor and four alumni honored for inventing electronic ink, the spanning tree protocol, and Sketchpad, a human-machine graphical communication system.
MIT professor uses operations research and optimization modeling to investigate topics from traffic flows to subsidies for green energy technologies.
Bose Grant awardee Jacquin Niles aims to repurpose the malaria parasite for drug delivery.
Material may offer cheaper alternative to smart windows.
Bacteria streaming through a lattice behave like electrons in a magnetic material.