Mars city living: Designing for the Red Planet
A multidisciplinary team of MIT students and postdocs wins an international competition focused on building sustainably on Mars.
A multidisciplinary team of MIT students and postdocs wins an international competition focused on building sustainably on Mars.
Annual conference explores the rise and distant future of the private space industry.
Senior Sarah Hensley aims to improve Earth's most advanced humanoid robot, in advance of its trip to the Red Planet.
A novel interpretation of Raman spectra will help the 2020 Mars rover select rocks to study for signs of life.
Vibrating footwear could help astronauts and visually impaired earthlings skirt obstacles.
Sydney Do, a PhD student in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, is adding authenticity to a virtual Mars experience.
Faculty and students grapple with 3-D printing a habitable structure on Mars.
For a piloted mission to Mars, fueling up on the moon could streamline cargo by 68 percent.
MIT alumna Emily Calandrell is the host of Xploration Outer Space, a weekend TV show about all things space.
MIT team independently assesses the technical feasibility of the proposed Mars One mission.
An MIT oxygen-creating instrument has been selected to fly on the upcoming Mars 2020 mission.
EAPS inaugural Brace Lecture will feature NASA Curiosity rover chief scientist John Grotzinger
Scientists find that Mars, not Earth, shakes up some near-Earth asteroids.
Cloud-chamber experiments show that clouds on Mars form in much more humid conditions than clouds on Earth.