3 Questions: MIT goes interstellar with Voyager 2
MIT Kavli's John Richardson describes MIT's role in the historic passing of the Voyager 2 craft past the heliopause and into the interstellar medium.
MIT Kavli's John Richardson describes MIT's role in the historic passing of the Voyager 2 craft past the heliopause and into the interstellar medium.
In “Dispatches from Planet 3,” Marcia Bartusiak illuminates overlooked breakthroughs and the people who made them.
Media studies scholar Lisa Parks examines the way satellites and other aerial technologies have changed society.
MIT Community Dialogue series is underway as multi-year research continues.
Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences honors trailblazing professors Jule Charney and Edward Lorenz with a tribute to their lives and legacies.
New fellowship program honoring trailblazing Nobel laureate awards four MIT postdocs focused on drug discovery and development.
Researchers mark a silver anniversary for a space geodesy technique pioneered at MIT.
Akamai co-founder honored for pioneering content delivery network services industry.
Students bring the Institute into national conversation about universities and the institution of slavery in the United States.
Digital archive features never-before-published image of MIT's first black woman student.
MIT Energy Initiative seminar examines the role of the humanities, design, and aesthetics in catalyzing a fairer, more diverse energy future.
LIGO inventor and professor emeritus of physics recognized “for decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves.”
In a history seminar, engineering students explore shifting ideas about animal intelligence and human uses of animals throughout the ages.
Professor David Mindell, who researches the interaction between automation and human behavior, discusses the interdependence of people, robots, and infrastructure.
Ballyhooed artificial-intelligence technique known as “deep learning” revives 70-year-old idea.