3Q: Behind the scenes of the National Academy of Sciences' report on human genome editing
MIT professor and NAS report committee co-chair Richard Hynes gives insight into the report’s recommendations.
MIT professor and NAS report committee co-chair Richard Hynes gives insight into the report’s recommendations.
Charles Jennings of MIT’s McGovern Institute discusses the intellectual property dispute over the gene-editing technique.
CRISPR pioneer named to inaugural chair created by Patricia and James Poitras '63, founders of MIT’s Poitras Center for Affective Disorders Research.
MIT and Broad Institute scientist shares recognition with four other scientists for developing CRISPR gene-editing systems.
New technique offers precise manipulation of when and where genes are targeted.
Broad Institute/MIT scientist among three honored for CRISPR contributions.
Scientists program C2c2, discovered in bacteria as a viral defense mechanism, to manipulate cellular RNA.
Like 3-D printing did for larger objects, method makes it easy to build nanoparticles out of DNA.
Broad/MIT scientist among five honored as pioneers of CRISPR-Cas9 system.
Genome-editing pioneer Feng Zhang hopes his work will shed light on neurological disorders.
New delivery method boosts efficiency of CRISPR genome-editing system.
Systematically searching DNA for regulatory elements indicates limits of previous thinking.
Team re-engineers system to dramatically cut down on editing errors; improvements advance future human applications.