Inside the adult ADHD brain
Brain scans differentiate adults who have recovered from childhood ADHD and those whose difficulties linger.
Brain scans differentiate adults who have recovered from childhood ADHD and those whose difficulties linger.
New technique allows scientists to monitor the entire nervous system of a small worm.
MIT research sheds light on how mice "think" when they retrieve correct memories and notice their mistakes.
Neuroscientists identify a brain circuit that’s key to shifting our focus from one object to another.
A previously underappreciated brain region performs complex sequence learning.
New technique classifies retinal neurons into 15 categories, including some previously unknown types.
$350 million gift in 2000 aimed to broaden neuroscientists’ understanding of the human brain.
Zoghbi receives the Scolnick Prize in Neuroscience for her work on the genetic basis of human brain disorders.
New light-sensitive proteins allow scientists to study how multiple sets of neurons interact with each other.
Neuroscientists find that the ability to imagine spatial structures improves dramatically after blind children’s sight is restored.
Preliminary analysis of H.M.’s brain tissue lays groundwork for more comprehensive studies.
New brain-scanning technique allows scientists to see when and where the brain processes visual information.
Technique allows tiny sensors to monitor small changes in magnetic fields, such as when neurons transmit electrical signals.
Study reveals how the brain links memories of events that occur one after the other.