Seeking deeper understanding of how the brain works
Edward Boyden develops techniques to study the brain, and how it operates, in finer detail.
Edward Boyden develops techniques to study the brain, and how it operates, in finer detail.
Neuroscientists identify neurons in the amygdala that assign emotions to experience.
First demonstration that a common neurotransmitter acts via a single neuron type to enable effective information-processing.
MIT’s Picower Institute to partner on four projects with Case Western Reserve University.
Discovery could offer a new target for treatment of glioblastoma.
Emery Brown says anesthesia drugs have been used in the U.S. for more than 160 years, but were largely misunderstood — until now.
Separate neural circuits control sugar cravings and healthy eating, researchers find.
Discovery could lead to new treatments for cognitive disorders including autism and schizophrenia.
Implanted into the brain or spinal column, they can transmit drugs, light, and electrical signals.
New technique enables nanoscale-resolution microscopy of large biological specimens.
Workshop on quantitative methods in biology draws diverse undergrads from across the country.
Picower Institute researchers show that different causes of autism and intellectual disability respond to the same treatment.
Newest computer neural networks can identify visual objects as well as the primate brain.
Inhibitory neuron functionality is not an immutable property of cortical cells, but a consequence of more complex network dynamics.