Countering climate change with cool pavements
Researchers affiliated with the MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub find that paving material selection could mitigate extreme heat and greenhouse gas emissions.
Researchers affiliated with the MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub find that paving material selection could mitigate extreme heat and greenhouse gas emissions.
In a study that could benefit quantum computing, researchers show a superlattice embedded with nanodots may be immune from dissipating energy to the environment.
MIT researchers train a neural network to predict a “boiling crisis,” with potential applications for cooling computer chips and nuclear reactors.
Textbook formulas for describing heat flow characteristics, crucial in many industries, are oversimplified, study shows.
New understanding of heat transfer in boiling water could lead to efficiency improvements in power plants.
Lauded director of the MIT Thermal Hydraulics and Materials in Extreme Environments Laboratory was a consummate experimentalist and passionate teacher.
New formula identifies limits to nanoscale heat transfer, may help optimize devices that convert heat to electricity.
MIT researchers develop a system that creates personalized climates around individuals — an alternative to heating entire buildings.
MIT study finds that springtime ozone levels are good predictors of summertime temperatures in the Southern Hemisphere.
Electrochemical approach has potential to efficiently turn low-grade heat to electricity.
Switchable material could harness the power of the sun — even when it’s not shining.
MIT researchers make surfaces that are easier to cool under extreme heat; finding could benefit power plants, electronics.
Device Research Laboratory scientists aim to control changes in phase of gases and liquids to reduce power consumption in heating and cooling systems.
Understanding the properties that control surface dissipation of heat could lead to improved power plants and electronics with high heat-transfer rates.