Q&A: Anne McCants on "Waves of Globalization," the 2018 World Economic History Congress at MIT
Congress of leading thinkers in economic, business, and social history convenes in the US for first time in 50 years.
Congress of leading thinkers in economic, business, and social history convenes in the US for first time in 50 years.
Whitehead team deploys CRISPR tools to better understand and uncover ways of improving methotrexate, a popular chemotherapy drug.
Researchers identify the amino acid aspartate as a metabolic limitation in certain cancers.
Probiotic bacteria can diagnose, prevent, and treat infections.
A new daughter helped Alejandra Falla PhD ’18 gain perspective on life — and her tiny MIT regalia stole the show at Commencement.
“Therepi” device attaches directly to damaged heart, enabling delivery of medicine from a port under a patient’s skin to augment cardiac function.
Biophysicist will investigate the biology of RNA aggregation.
Tata Center for Technology and Design program "aims to close the gap between ideas and implementation," says program director Jason Prapas.
New technology could enable remote control of drug delivery, sensing, and other medical applications.
Study reveals why people with the APOE4 gene have higher risk of the disease.
Ultra-low-power sensors carrying genetically engineered bacteria can detect gastric bleeding.
New technology could lead to development of novel “xenoprotein” drugs against infectious diseases.
Nanoparticles could offer a new way to help eradicate the disease worldwide.
Findings may help track movement of pesticides and biological contaminants.
Study in worms reveals gene loss can lead to accumulation of waste products in cells.