Using science for service
Sofia Essayan-Perez is inspired by those around her to teach in Nicaragua, conduct neuroscience research.
Sofia Essayan-Perez is inspired by those around her to teach in Nicaragua, conduct neuroscience research.
With emotion-tracking software, Affectiva attracts big-name clients, aims for “mood-aware” Internet.
MIT neuroscientists report more detail on how the disease arises.
MIT professor co-authors AAAS report calling for dedicated research on vaccination decisions.
Deadline for applications is September 30
Study reveals linguistic deficits behind autistic children’s difficulties understanding other people.
Picower Institute neuroscientists use single dose of experimental drug; could prove promising for treatment of autism symptoms.
Deadline for applications is February 28.
New way to image brain-cell activity could shed light on autism and other psychiatric disorders.
National Association of Science Writers honors his book The Panic Virus.
Discovery of how some neurons inhibit others could shed light on autism, other neurological disorders.
MIT study reveals changes in brain activity as children learn to read other people’s behavior.
Course is the sixth of seven courses MIT OCW will publish this year specifically to meet the needs of independent learners.
Deadline for application is August 31.
Biologists take a new approach to deciphering the roles of genes associated with autism.