Study reveals a universal travel pattern across four continents
Globally, people follow a “visitation law” — an inverse relationship between distance and frequency of visits.
Globally, people follow a “visitation law” — an inverse relationship between distance and frequency of visits.
MIT researchers are using smartphones to gather roadway information previously inaccessible to many departments of transportation.
Theory-based residual neural network combines discrete choice models and deep neural networks, long viewed as conflicting methods.
On May 6 and 7, researchers from the AI Policy Forum will present their preliminary AI public policy proposals aimed at shaping specific and significant uses of AI in our lives.
By 2030, 40 percent of vehicles sold in China will be electric; MIT research finds that despite benefits, the cost to consumers and to society will be substantial.
Student inventors recognized on World IP Day for groundbreaking, patentable solutions to issues related to maternal health, energy efficiency, and plastic waste.
SMART research finds US road congestion increased by almost 1 percent while the duration of congestion rose by 4.5 percent.
A collaboration between MIT and CNRS has yielded a cement that conducts electricity and generates heat.
Andres Sevtsuk’s new work estimates foot traffic in cities — so planners and developers can study the flow of people, not just vehicles.
Leveraging research done on campus, student-run MIT Driverless partners with industry collaborators to develop and test autonomous technologies in real-world racing scenarios.
Assistant Professor Cathy Wu aims to help autonomous vehicles fulfill their promise by better understanding how to integrate them into the transportation system.
MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub research finds natural carbon uptake in concrete could offset 5 percent of US pavement cement production emissions.
MISTI program expands to virtual activities while still planning for the world beyond.
In an award-winning paper, the PhD student and MIT CSHub research assistant measures how the weight of vehicles deteriorates pavements.
MIT postdoc explains how reflective pavements can significantly — and often indirectly — mitigate climate change and extreme heat.