The complexities of cognitive comparisons
In experiments, linguists examine how we make everyday judgments about groups of objects.
Four from MIT win prestigious Guggenheim fellowships
Doeleman, Hughes, Makan and Yablo among 181 recipients for 2012.
How we (should) decide
Philosopher aims to develop theories of practical rationality that may just help us make real-world decisions.
Democracy inaction
In ‘Ideas Matter’ lecture, Noam Chomsky criticizes fellow intellectuals for their conformity.
Of minds and machines
Final installment of MIT’s 150th anniversary symposia explores intelligence — both human and artificial.
Richard L. Cartwright, emeritus professor of philosophy, dies at age 85
A founding figure of philosophy at MIT, he was especially known for his influence on colleagues and students.
The energy challenge calls on humanities and social-science research
Courses on energy include economics, political science, history, literature and more.
Philosophy conference at MIT honors Thomson
Fundamental ethical questions debated during daylong event
Sally Haslanger receives two major awards in philosophy
Carus Lecturer for 2011 and Distinguished Woman Philosopher of 2010