At forum, MIT community tackles tough ethical questions of climate change
Why is it so hard for human beings to address climate change? What can motivate effective action?
Why is it so hard for human beings to address climate change? What can motivate effective action?
Honored positions afford faculty additional support for research.
SHASS welcomes eight new faculty members for 2016.
Experts from the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences weigh in on topics from polling to rhetoric to individual campaign issues.
PhD student Rebecca Millsop uses philosophy to take on contentious questions about how we define art.
Prestigious honor society announces 213 new members this year.
MIT's "mathy philosopher" makes mind-blowing ideas accessible.
Academic expo connects students with MIT-SHASS faculty and courses.
Professors emeritus Sidney Yip and Judith Jarvis Thomson honored for their continued innovations.
MIT graduate students organize summer institute to increase diversity in philosophy field.
Among 197 elected this year to the prestigious honorary society.