Bryan Reimer named to FAA Rulemaking Committee
CTL research scientist will provide recommendations to the Federal Aviation Administration focused on the most significant human-factor risks to aviation safety.
CTL research scientist will provide recommendations to the Federal Aviation Administration focused on the most significant human-factor risks to aviation safety.
Research scientist will help ensure that transportation’s future is safe, efficient, sustainable, equitable, and transformative.
MIT students traveled to Washington to speak to representatives from several federal executive agencies.
MIT’s Science Policy Initiative sends students and postdocs to Capitol Hill to advocate for continued and increased federal support for scientific research.
National Space Council’s Users Advisory Group will guide the Biden-Harris administration on space preservation and industry.
The head of MIT’s Department of Mechanical Engineering was nominated by President Biden to lead ARPA-E’s mission to support critical energy research.
The head of MIT’s Department of Chemical Engineering will serve on the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.
Shultz, who held four US Cabinet positions and served in three presidential administrations, devoted himself to ideals of bipartisanship and fairness.
Lander to take a leave of absence to assume Cabinet-level post; Zuber to co-chair presidential advisory council.
CSAIL director and MIT Schwarzman College of Computing deputy dean of research will serve on the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.
Institute Professor chosen to help forge connections and identify opportunities for sustained international cooperation.
Putting limits on foreign students or technical publications would be counterproductive, write Deutch and Condoleezza Rice.
National public-private consortium led by MIT will involve manufacturers, universities, agencies, companies.
Former MIT president to begin three-year term on AAAS Board of Directors in February.
Partnership of government, industry, and academia will pursue integration of optical devices with electronics.