Beneath the skyline
At MIT, politicians, planners, and designers debate the future of infrastructure.
At MIT, politicians, planners, and designers debate the future of infrastructure.
Keynote Rahm Emanuel to report on Chicago Infrastructure Trust
Andrew Whittle engineers smart underground infrastructure for a safer and more efficient future.
The MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub seeks to advance the scientific basis for evaluating the environmental impact of concrete.
Inaugural symposium of the Center for Advanced Urbanism is part of a series devoted to design issues facing cities worldwide
Project aims to improve security and operations of civil and environmental engineering structures and systems
MIT researchers develop tool to assess regional risks of climate change, potential impacts on local infrastructure and planning.
MIT and U.N. researchers team up to tackle some of the heftiest climate change challenges developing countries will face as they confront an uncertain future.
Sophisticated computer model lets corporate IT managers evaluate upgrades and reconfigurations without risking the stability of their networks.
New MIT report on concrete roadways shows opportunities for significant carbon-footprint cuts.
New type of sensor could immediately detect tiny cracks in structures and relay their exact location.
Professor Joseph Sussman chaired committee that also required funding for public transportation
Presented by Transportation@MIT