Even if the Paris Agreement is implemented, food and water supplies remain at risk
Report projects impacts of 2015 Paris climate agreement, identifies emissions paths/technology advances needed to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius.
Report projects impacts of 2015 Paris climate agreement, identifies emissions paths/technology advances needed to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius.
Innovators from many sectors to tackle issues involving the digital economy, education, and more.
Startup’s engineered yeast helps clients produce fragrances and flavors more efficiently.
Four new projects and one renewal receive $150,000 in funding for 2016-2017.
New method to track the impact of typhoons and other natural disasters could enable more precise, timely delivery of food aid.
Addressing the world’s most pressing issues, second year of program will focus on in-person gatherings, solution proposals.
Portable sensor detects trace amounts of gluten in food at restaurants.
MIT Corporation life member and global entrepreneur honored for his history of service and philanthropy at MIT.
Principal investigators will receive grants of up to $100,000 per year for up to two years for innovative research on food and water challenges.
The MIT community turned out in force, along with attendees from the corporate, government, and nonprofit sectors.
Migrants pay more for their home region’s cuisine, even when on the edge of malnutrition.
Modular boxes that keep food shipments fresh win Rabobank-MIT Food and Agribusiness Innovation Prize.
Program will feature advances in technologies at the nexus of food, water, and the environment.
New theory, inspired by chocolate coatings, predicts thickness of thin shells.
Study: Some consumers have an unerring knack for buying unpopular products.