Nanoparticles give immune cells a boost Drugs carried in cellular “backpacks” help T cells to destroy tumors. July 9, 2018 Read full story →
3Q: Nancy Hopkins on the impact and potential of cancer prevention Mechanism-based cancer prevention is poised to further decrease the numbers of U.S. cancer deaths, says MIT professor emerita. June 25, 2018 Read full story →
Over the river and do some good The Bridge Project collaboration accelerates new, highly original, and powerful approaches to defeating cancer. November 22, 2017 Read full story →
Fast, noninvasive technique for probing cells may reveal disease Researchers gauge a cell’s stiffness, which can reflect cancer or other conditions, simply by watching it. August 3, 2017 Read full story →
Department of Biology welcomes three new faculty members Recent additions bring diverse expertise and cultural perspectives to research community. July 25, 2017 Read full story →
Fighting cancer with the power of immunity New treatment elicits two-pronged immune response that destroys tumors in mice. October 24, 2016 Read full story →
Taking on melanoma, one cell at a time In step toward personalized medicine, researchers are using single-cell analysis to unravel cancer’s secrets. April 7, 2016 Read full story →
Why some tumors withstand treatment Researchers uncover a mechanism that allows cancer cells to evade targeted therapies. March 16, 2016 Read full story →
How to identify drugs that work best for each patient Implantable device could allow doctors to test cancer drugs in patients before prescribing chemotherapy. April 22, 2015 Read full story →
Recruiting the entire immune system to attack cancer Stimulating both major branches of the immune system halts tumor growth more effectively. April 13, 2015 Read full story →
From the heart Laurie Boyer’s studies of stem cell differentiation could improve treatments for heart disease. April 3, 2015 Read full story →
Forbes hails MIT standouts in science, education, energy, technology, and health care 11 MIT affiliates and more than 30 alumni are identified as movers, makers, and game changers in their respective fields. January 8, 2015 Read full story →
New way to turn genes on Technique allows rapid, large-scale studies of gene function. December 10, 2014 Read full story →
A health and fitness tracker for dogs FitBark, founded by MIT Sloan alumnus Davide Rossi, will monitor your dog’s health and activity every day. November 3, 2014 Read full story →
Hitchhiking vaccines boost immunity New MIT vaccines that catch a ride to immune cell depots could help fight cancer and HIV. February 16, 2014 Read full story →