Institute for Data, Systems, and Society to launch new MicroMasters and PhD programs
Interdisciplinary doctoral program in statistics and online MicroMasters program in statistics and data science begin this fall.
Interdisciplinary doctoral program in statistics and online MicroMasters program in statistics and data science begin this fall.
Prestigious honor society announces 213 new members this year.
Seven staff members honored for their outstanding contributions to the MIT community.
Through pilot program, mentors help fellow students through the stages of innovation and entrepreneurship at MIT.
Akamai co-founder honored for pioneering content delivery network services industry.
Graduate engineering program is No. 1 in the nation; MIT Sloan is No. 5.
MIT ranked within top 5 in 19 out of 48 subject areas.
MIT has now been ranked first in four of the last five years, with a team taking first place and students claiming five of the six prestigious Putnam Fellowships.
Faculty from six MIT departments among 126 selected from across the U.S. and Canada.
Math professor Philippe Rigollet, once a “not very disciplined” student, moves between computer science and statistics.
An MIT graduate, Rosenfield is remembered for his passion for manufacturing and commitment to his students.
Math graduate student’s Data for Black Lives conference provides numbers behind the technologies that enable exclusion.
Professors Goldwasser, Lozano-Perez, Micali, and Sipser honored for "providing key knowledge" to computing.
Researchers from across MIT are honored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.