Stiffer roadways could improve truck fuel efficiency
Study finds simple changes in road resurfacing practices could improve gas mileage for heavy vehicles and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Study finds simple changes in road resurfacing practices could improve gas mileage for heavy vehicles and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Ranked at the top for the ninth straight year, the Institute also places first in 12 subject areas.
New roll-to-roll production method could enable lightweight, flexible solar devices and a new generation of display screens.
Cambridge Crops develops an edible, imperceptible coating that might replace plastic packaging to preserve meats and produce.
Study reveals drainage, deforestation of the region’s peatlands, which leads to fires, greenhouse emissions, land subsidence.
Three MIT teams to explore novel ways to reduce operations and maintenance costs of advanced nuclear reactors.
Engineers develop a rapid screening system to test fracture resistance in billions of potential materials.
Microneedles made of silk-based material can target plant tissues for delivery of micronutrients, hormones, or genes.
When they encounter nutrient oases in the marine desert, marine bacteria release a gas involved in climate regulation.
Ezra Zuckerman Sivan, Jinhua Zhao, and Kamal Youcef-Toumi honored as “Committed to Caring.”
A machine learning algorithm combines data on the disease's spread with a neural network, to help predict when infections will slow down in each country.
Concrete is the world’s most consumed construction material. Yet there’s a lot the public doesn’t know about it or its environmental impact.
Translated into sound, SARS-CoV-2 tricks our ear in the same way the virus tricks our cells.
MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub researchers are investigating how the layouts, or textures, of cities influence extreme weather events.
Technique may enable speedy, on-demand design of softer, safer neural devices.