Presentation practice: Hurricanes to prosthetics
Students hone their communication skills by presenting their research projects at the 4th annual Mechanical Engineering Research Exhibition.
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Students hone their communication skills by presenting their research projects at the 4th annual Mechanical Engineering Research Exhibition.
Incoming freshman refreshes Plasma Science and Fusion Center outreach tools.
SuperUROP gives undergraduates the chance to immerse themselves in a year-long research project with supportive mentors to guide the way.
Nuclear science and engineering senior Sean Lowder is taking his expertise to Washington and the U.S. Navy.
MIT senior envisions opportunities for “every person of the world who wants to learn something.”
Senior Elizabeth Rider uses atmospheric chemistry research to create international connections.
Faculty and students share their perspectives on the value of undergraduate research at “Pushing Boundaries” event.
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering’s Research Speed Dating Day brings community together to inspire new ideas.
Hare, Hughes, and Yang receive the Institute’s highest undergraduate teaching award.
MIT senior leads diverse projects to help women and students in developing countries.
Study finds enzyme “cannibalizes” itself to perform an essential reaction.
Now open to the entire School of Engineering, SuperUROP is creating an interdisciplinary community of scholars.
MIT President L. Rafael Reif responds to Congressional request for information.
Mini-UROP pairs freshmen with graduate students and postdocs while broadening opportunities for enhanced learning, collaboration, and networking.