Darien Williams: Chronicling Black resilience to disaster
In researching disaster recovery and marginalized populations, the PhD student seeks out people with deep knowledge of their communities.
In researching disaster recovery and marginalized populations, the PhD student seeks out people with deep knowledge of their communities.
“If you say you care about the injustice in this nation and in this world, you have a role to play,” said Associate Dean DiOnetta Jones Crayton.
Longtime MIT professor and department head also participated in many efforts in support of peace and social justice.
Studying history has made her a better planetary scientist, Minsky says. And studying science has made her a better historian.
MIT seniors will pursue graduate studies at Cambridge University.
Mutongi discusses the connection between Kenyan widows and the #MeToo movement, myths of African entrepreneurship, and the wider implications of her research.
The Nigerian journalist is the recipient of a prestigious fellowship that provides residencies at MIT, The Boston Globe, and The New York Times.
The political consequence of even short jail terms is disproportionately pushing African-American voters out of the electorate.
MIT associate professor of urban studies Mariana Arcaya examines health disparities within metro areas.
Through her startup, MBA student Brooke Wages seeks to prepare people for high-skilled trade jobs after they’ve served time.
The Disobedience Award recognizes individuals and groups who engage in ethical, nonviolent acts of disobedience in service of society.
Noted urban anthropologist in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning championed advocacy and social change.
In Bernardo Zacka’s class 17.01, students explore human values and the many ways of imagining a just society.
Three leaders of the #MeToo and #MeTooSTEM movements are recognized.
The new media arts and sciences faculty member merges social justice with design, architecture, music, performance, and technology.