Studying how children learn words with no meaning
Project leaders at the MIT Language Acquisition Lab say their research could shed new light on the nature of language learning.
Project leaders at the MIT Language Acquisition Lab say their research could shed new light on the nature of language learning.
For Rani Ukhengching Marma from Bangladesh, protecting the Indigenous language also means preserving her culture, traditional knowledge, and generational wisdom.
Five staff members recognized for their contributions to the MIT community.
Through a speaker series and activities in the Concourse learning community, the project's leaders aim to promote the value of open discussion on campus.
The Institute also ranks second in five subject areas.
Built on recent advances in machine learning, the model predicts how well individuals will produce and comprehend sentences.
Selection as LSA Fellow marks the highest honor in the field of linguistics.
On its own, a new machine-learning model discovers linguistic rules that often match up with those created by human experts.
Earning the top spot for the 11th straight year, the Institute also places first in 12 subject areas.
A Stata Center wing and celebratory event mark their achievements and the next generation of linguistics research at MIT.
This aspect of syntax helps us do much more than just build sentences, linguist Shigeru Miyagawa contends.
The Institute also ranks second in two subject areas.
MIT philosopher Justin Khoo explores tensions in the ways we use language, seek truth, and communicate about the world.
Senior Shardul Chiplunkar aims to be a translator between the tech world and the rest of society.
Honor recognizes professors who went the extra mile advising during the pandemic’s disruptions.