Featured video: A musical encore for a re-imagined library
Graduate students perform Martinů’s “Piano Trio in D Minor,” originally commissioned for Hayden Library's 1950 dedication.
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Graduate students perform Martinů’s “Piano Trio in D Minor,” originally commissioned for Hayden Library's 1950 dedication.
The prevalence of auditory symptoms in Covid-19 patients is unknown, but infection of the inner ears may be responsible for hearing and balance problems.
Professors Linda Griffith and Feng Zhang along with Guillermo Ameer ScD ’99, Darrell Gaskin SM ’87, William Hahn, and Vamsi Mootha recognized for contributions to medicine, health care, and public health.
For the past seven years, the MIT University Center for Exemplary Mentoring has created a robust infrastructure of resources, people, and support.
The PhD student uses machine learning as a tool for studying pain and consciousness — and as subject matter for her popular videos.
Longtime EECS faculty member was known for his work on the biophysics of auditory systems.
The Space Exploration Initiative supports research across and beyond MIT in two microgravity flights this spring.
Diagnostic nanoparticles could be used to monitor tumor recurrence after treatment or to perform routine cancer screenings.
Former naval petty officer Manuel Morales now develops imaging applications to detect cardiac dysfunction in young patients.
A leader in thermodynamics, heat transfer, cryopreservation of biomaterials, and energy conversion, Cravalho shaped thermodynamic and biomedical education at MIT.
Fellowship funds graduate studies for outstanding immigrants and children of immigrants.
Using deep convolutional neural networks, researchers devise a system that quickly analyzes wide-field images of patients’ skin in order to more efficiently detect cancer.
Associate Professor Thomas Heldt finds inspiration where fundamental physical principles intersect with human health.
Reconnecting muscle pairs during amputation gives patients more sensory feedback from the limb.
Visionary astronautics researcher, explorer, and expert on human adaptation to space will lead the Institute’s world-renowned research center.