Astronomers discover an Earth-sized “pi planet” with a 3.14-day orbit
The rocky world, with its baking-hot surface, is likely not habitable.
The rocky world, with its baking-hot surface, is likely not habitable.
By making their own lava and cooled glass, scientists find these materials likely aren’t responsible for the unexpected glow of some exoplanets.
Findings also suggest exoplanets lying within habitable zones may be susceptible to ice ages.
Neptune-sized planet may be remnant core of a much larger planet.
Discovery made through the Disk Detective project could help the search for new planets.
When searching for extraterrestrial life, astronomers may want to look at planets with hydrogen-rich atmospheres.
Studying history has made her a better planetary scientist, Minsky says. And studying science has made her a better historian.
MIT seniors will pursue graduate studies at Cambridge University.
MIT Kavli Institute researcher working on the TESS mission gave the keynote address at an annual event organized by the Lincoln Laboratory Hispanic/Latino Network.
MIT planetary scientists partner with computer scientists to find exoplanets.
The honor recognizes the "stellar achievement" of the people behind the exoplanet-seeking satellite.
MIT hosts "Songs from Extrasolar Spaces," a musical melding of art and science inspired by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS).
MIT has completed the installation of its newest exoplanet-hunting telescope, Artemis, in the Canary Islands, joining the SPECULOOS network.
Orbiting a nearby star, the new planet is the smallest identified so far by the TESS mission.
The Heising-Simons Foundation selects Clara Sousa-Silva and Benjamin Rackham for 51 Pegasi b Fellowships at MIT.