Sequestration on shaky ground
Study finds a natural impediment to the long-term sequestration of carbon dioxide.
Study finds a natural impediment to the long-term sequestration of carbon dioxide.
Some 70 MIT students, researchers, and alumni marched in the largest climate rally in history.
MIT study finds that sectoral regulations will not cut emissions enough to substantially limit climate change, but are a good step toward phasing in a price on carbon.
MIT researchers find the national and regional impacts of U.S. regulatory policies for mitigating climate change.
Oceans at MIT's highlights from MIT Water Night 2014 include nano-technological desalination of seawater, innovative wetland conservation, and ocean carbon cycle research.
MIT chemists devise a reaction that traps carbon dioxide and turns it into something useful.
The MIT Concrete Sustainability Hub seeks to advance the scientific basis for evaluating the environmental impact of concrete.
While the Arctic Ocean is largely a carbon sink, researchers find parts are also a source of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
MIT and Tsinghua University researchers compare the impacts of current provincial targets to a national emissions trading program.
Proposed method could be more efficient than previous systems and easier to retrofit in existing power plants.
Study finds the bulk of shoes’ carbon footprint comes from manufacturing processes.
Karplus, Paltsev honored for their study on the impacts of vehicle efficiency standards.
MIT researchers show merits of a carbon tax.
A mathematical model reveals commonality within the diversity of leaf decay.
Genetically modified organism could turn carbon dioxide or waste products into a gasoline-compatible transportation fuel.