A “fair and ambitious” pledge? Not quite
Study finds pledges by top greenhouse gas emitters leaves little room for others; urges greater R&D.
Study finds pledges by top greenhouse gas emitters leaves little room for others; urges greater R&D.
Scientists precisely count particles produced in a typical proton collision.
Associate professor's work on topological insulators and atomically thin materials yields new, laser-driven approaches to materials for electronics.
Materials Day, Oct. 14, presents insights into the next generation of extremely thin, tough quantum materials for sensing, energy. and computing devices.
Renewable grants awarded to PIs in materials science and engineering, chemical engineering, and biology.
MIT supports recovery and learning following earthquake in Nepal.
Enhanced-sensitivity NMR could reveal new clues to how proteins fold.
Biochemist who graduated from MIT in 1968 is honored for his work on DNA repair mechanisms.
Physicist Joseph Formaggio discusses the significance of this year’s Nobel Prize in physics, MIT’s involvement in neutrino research.
Neuroscientists find evidence that the brain’s inferotemporal cortex can identify objects.
Tanja Bosak examines how life and the Earth evolved in tandem during their early history together.
Agreement will support a number of joint research projects, seminars, lectures, and other programming.
Modeling electron excitation in organic photovoltaic material could change the future of solar energy.