System can sterilize medical tools using solar heat
Device could provide pressurized steam to run autoclaves without the need for electricity in off-grid areas.
Device could provide pressurized steam to run autoclaves without the need for electricity in off-grid areas.
NCSOFT-sponsored grants to advance hardware and software for immersive experiences.
Student organizers of the seventh annual Mechanical Engineering Research Exhibition found creative ways to replicate the poster session virtually.
New research examines the application of online learning to workforce education.
Results might provide a convenient screening tool for people who may not suspect they are infected.
MorphSensor lets users digitally model an object’s form and electronic function in one integrated space.
MIT Sea Grant facilitates Saving a Community Fishery, Feeding a Population Covid-19 rapid-response project.
A team of MIT researchers is using the thermodynamic properties of water evaporation to bring off-grid cold storage of produce to remote, arid regions.
MIT engineers have made their initial design more practical, efficient, and scalable.
Study finds that compressing cells, and crowding their contents, can coax them to grow and divide.
A new NSF-funded project is developing a model to help manufacturers pivot and produce personal protective equipment.
MIT senior Darya Guettler advocates for climate action and broader deployment of zero-carbon energy sources.
Funds will support research on glaucoma through retinal biometrics and neural cell implantation therapy for spinal cord injury.
When Covid-19 forced Edgerton Center student teams off campus, the engineers found their problem-solving skills put to the test.