The growth of an organism rides on a pattern of waves
Study shows ripples across a newly fertilized egg are similar to other systems, from ocean and atmospheric circulations to quantum fluids.
Study shows ripples across a newly fertilized egg are similar to other systems, from ocean and atmospheric circulations to quantum fluids.
Ten staff members recognized for dedication to School of Science and to MIT.
Institute ranks second in five subject areas.
Participating MIT students make history by taking all top five spots — the first time this has happened for any school.
Technique may help scientists more accurately map vast underground geologic structures.
MIT students train teams in Ghana and Uganda for the International Mathematical Olympiad through MISTI-Africa.
New members have made advances in computer architecture, network coding, ocean engineering, higher education, and quantum computation.
Mathematician to return to the faculty after six years leading MIT’s second-largest school.
Longtime MIT professor strongly influenced the fields of probability, statistics, and machine learning.
Professor Chenyang Xu applies the techniques of abstract algebra to study concrete but complex geometric objects.
MIT senior will pursue graduate studies in mathematics at Churchill College, Cambridge University.
The 2019-20 School of Engineering MathWorks Fellows are using MATLAB and Simulink to advance discovery and innovation across disciplines.
Math professor Semyon Dyatlov explores the relationship between classical and quantum physics.
Using mathematical theory, Virginia Williams coaxes algorithms to run faster or proves they’ve hit their maximum speed.
Four members of the School of Science honored for contributions to the Institute.