From molecular to whole-brain scale in a simple animal, study reveals serotonin’s effects
With full genetic control and visibility into neural activity and behavior, MIT scientists map out chemical’s role in behavior.
With full genetic control and visibility into neural activity and behavior, MIT scientists map out chemical’s role in behavior.
Seven staff members honored for their dedication to the School of Science and to the Institute.
The fellowship funds graduate studies at Stanford University.
Researchers identify a property that helps computer vision models learn to represent the visual world in a more stable, predictable way.
Faulty versions of the Foxp2 gene disrupt neurons’ ability to form synapses in brain regions involved in speech, a new study shows.
The 2023 competition featured three-minute talks on cutting-edge research from across MIT in an engaging, live competition.
Following cataract removal, some of the brain’s visual pathways seem to be more malleable than previously thought.
Fellowship funds graduate studies for outstanding immigrants and children of immigrants.
The prestigious honor society announces more than 250 new members.
A new study tests an alternative to external stimulation for measuring when subjects lose and regain responsiveness during sedation and anesthesia.
Neurons that form part of a memory circuit are among the first brain cells to show signs of neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease.
The peptide blocks a hyperactive brain enzyme that contributes to the neurodegeneration seen in Alzheimer’s and other diseases.
When astrocyte function is disrupted, neurons in the brain’s motor cortex struggle to execute and refine motion, a new study in mice shows.
The three-fingered robotic gripper can “feel” with great sensitivity along the full length of each finger – not just at the tips.
The brain applies rhythms to physical patches of the cortex to selectively control just the right neurons at the right times to do the right things.