Lincoln Laboratory staff use race cars as a vehicle to teach coding
Laboratory staff teamed up with the Timothy Smith Network to offer a four-week coding course for middle school students.
Laboratory staff teamed up with the Timothy Smith Network to offer a four-week coding course for middle school students.
Developed at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, IdPrism and its award-winning algorithms provide rapid analysis for complex forensic DNA samples.
General-purpose language works for computer vision, robotics, statistics, and more.
The Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association recognizes innovation and leadership in science and technology.
Lincoln Laboratory's technique to protect commodity software from cyberattacks has transitioned to industry and will soon be available as part of a security suite.
The 4,000-square-foot addition will facilitate further collaboration between MIT and Lincoln Laboratory researchers.
Fluorescent tagging system can expedite the process of designing genes and personalizing medicine.
New tools can find patterns in vast online data to track and identify users on illicit forums.
More effective surgery could boost survival rates for ovarian cancer.
Novel batteries are the first to use water-splitting technology at their core.
Facility modernization plan includes a new compound semiconductor laboratory and microsystem integration facility that will enable modern innovation.
Sixth annual Assistive Technologies Hackathon paired students with client co-designers to create innovative solutions to the everyday problems they face.
Lincoln Laboratory researchers have developed a technique to compress hours of internet traffic into a bundle that can be analyzed for suspicious behavior.
From digital circuits to ingestible robots, the Institute has helped spearhead key innovations in the technology revolution.
Experts assess potential global destabilization caused by climate change impacts on water supplies, land use, and migration.