In January, several MIT graduate students from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) and Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory traveled to Nepal, Haiti and Brazil to explore the problem of polluted drinking water in these countries and research potential solutions.
A story about the work appeared in the May 22 issue of MIT Tech Talk accompanied by several photos from Nepal. Now those photos and some 30 others by MIT photojournalist Donna Coveney can be seen online.
Some key people and programs were inadvertently omitted from the May 22 story. The water project was part of a course through the CEE Masters of Engineering Program directed by Dr. Eric Adams. Adams was instrumental in planning and financing the trips.
The course itself is co-taught by Lecturer Susan Murcott and Professor Emeritus Donald Harleman. In addition to Murcott, Harleman, Dr. Pete Shanahan and Daniele Lantagne (both CEE lecturers) also led or played key roles in some of the trips to developing countries. Postdoctoral associate Jennifer Jay supervised laboratory arsenic measurements.
A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on June 5, 2002.