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SAP Release 2 presentations slated

Presentations about the planned training methods for Release 2 of SAP will be held at the Professional Learning Center (Building W89) on Wednesday, Feb. 26 from noon-2pm.

There will be multiple short presentations about the training methods as well as demonstrations of purchasing transactions using SAP and the corresponding on-line documentation. Participants also will have an opportunity to try out self-guided SAP courses in two of the Center's classrooms.

The content of the presentations will be similar to those at the heavily attended January Open House, but the information will be delivered in more rooms and in shorter sessions to allow for better participation.

Release 2 of SAP involves the installation of the financial software into MIT's departments, laboratories and centers.

Interested community members should RSVP to Michele DesAutels at the Learning Center, x8-9602,>. A schedule and more information will be sent to those who respond.

A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on February 12, 1997.

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