Study: Smoke particles from wildfires can erode the ozone layer
MIT chemists show the Australian wildfires widened the ozone hole by 10 percent in 2020.
MIT chemists show the Australian wildfires widened the ozone hole by 10 percent in 2020.
Using sand and rock, MIT senior Aviva Intveld tells stories of ancient climates.
Technologies recognized with "Oscars of Innovation" transform hurricane tracking, electronics cooling, collision avoidance, cybersecurity, and more.
Failing to consider neighborhood texture in hurricane-related wind loss models may undervalue stronger construction by over 80 percent.
With over 200 published papers, multiple books, and countless media appearances, Emanuel’s 41 years at MIT have been marked by influential research into hurricane formation and climate change outreach.
The grants total over $1 million in support of research that addresses issues in the water and food sectors.
If wildfires become larger and more frequent, they might stall ozone recovery for years.
New results show North Atlantic hurricanes have increased in frequency over the last 150 years.
Modeling tool showcases emerging MIT Joint Program research focus on multi-sector dynamics.
MIT professors Dave Des Marais and Caroline Uhler combine plant biology and machine learning to identify genetic roots of plant responses to environmental stress.
Lincoln Laboratory’s TROPICS satellites will help scientists study extreme tropical weather once all six are launched next year.
New climate resiliency dashboard helps reduce uncertainty of current and future flood risks in Cambridge.
Researchers identify a mechanism by which small particles in the atmosphere can generate more frequent thunderstorms.
New study suggests waters will become more turbulent as Arctic loses summertime ice.
Recent virtual lecture explores how paleoclimatology provides important context for examining the activities of past human societies.