School of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences
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Cultivators of research
Professors Maria Yang and Kenneth Oye are honored as “Committed to Caring” for their mentorship of graduate students.
Bridging philosophy and AI to explore computing ethics
In a new MIT course co-taught by EECS and philosophy professors, students tackle moral dilemmas of the digital age.
Study in India shows kids use different math skills at work vs. school
Students can excel at mental math in marketplace jobs but struggle with formal math in the classroom, and vice versa.
Timeless virtues, new technologies
Engineer and historian David Mindell’s new book provides a roadmap for thinking about the future of industry.
Mishael Quraishi named 2025 Churchill Scholar
The MIT senior will pursue a master’s program at Cambridge University in the UK.
Aligning AI with human values
“We need to both ensure humans reap AI’s benefits and that we don’t lose control of the technology,” says senior Audrey Lorvo.
Introducing the MIT Generative AI Impact Consortium
The consortium will bring researchers and industry together to focus on impact.
David Darmofal SM ’91, PhD ’93 named vice chancellor for undergraduate and graduate education
Longtime AeroAstro professor brings deep experience with academic and student life.
MIT Press’ Direct to Open opens access to over 80 new monographs
Support for D2O in 2025 includes two new three-year, all-consortium commitments from the Florida Virtual Campus and the Big Ten Academic Alliance.
Steven Strang, literary scholar and leader in writing and communication support at MIT, dies at 77
The founding director of the Writing and Communication Center worked with thousands of students, faculty, and staff over four decades at MIT.
Making the art world more accessible
The startup NALA, which began as an MIT class project, directly matches art buyers with artists.
MIT student encourages all learners to indulge their curiosity with MIT Open Learning's MITx
Junior Shreya Mogulothu says taking an MITx class as a high school student opened her eyes to new possibilities.
MIT philosopher Sally Haslanger honored with Quinn Prize
Presented by the American Philosophical Association, the award recognizes the professor’s lifelong contributions to philosophy.
Global Languages program empowers student ambassadors
The Student Ambassadors program offers MIT undergraduates from across language areas opportunities to share their voices, passion, and commitment with the community.