Fueled by problem-solving
Undergraduate research helped feed physics and EECS major Thomas Bergamaschi’s post-MIT interest in tackling challenges.
Undergraduate research helped feed physics and EECS major Thomas Bergamaschi’s post-MIT interest in tackling challenges.
Citadel founder and CEO Ken Griffin visits MIT, discusses how technology will continue to transform trading and investing.
Work with skyrmions could have applications in future computers and more.
In MIT’s 2023 Killian Lecture, Peter Shor shares a brief history of quantum computing from a personal viewpoint.
The second annual student-industry conference was held in-person for the first time.
A wireless technique enables a super-cold quantum computer to send and receive data without generating too much error-causing heat.
“Squeezing” noise over a broad frequency bandwidth in a quantum system could lead to faster and more accurate quantum measurements.
The findings could provide a new way to control chemical reactions.
A new technique helps verify the accuracy of experiments that probe the strange behavior of atomic-scale systems.
Researchers have demonstrated directional photon emission, the first step toward extensible quantum interconnects.
Researchers at the Center for Theoretical Physics lead work on testing quantum gravity on a quantum processor.
MIT undergraduate researchers Helena Merker, Harry Heiberger, and Linh Nguyen, and PhD student Tongtong Liu, exploit machine-learning techniques to determine the magnetic structure of materials.
Inaugural award goes to MIT condensed matter theory professors of physics.
Using machine learning and simple X-ray spectra, researchers can uncover compounds that might enable next-generation computer chips or quantum devices.
PhD student Alex Greene studies superconducting quantum computing systems while rounding out their busy schedule with water sanitation projects.