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Displaying 211 - 218 of 218 news articles related to this topic.
A farm in the Peruvian Andes. An MIT economics student has shown that there are deep historical roots of poverty and wealth among Peru's agrarian communities.

The deep roots of inequality

MIT economics student’s study of Peru shows how practices from hundreds of years ago can influence prosperity today. ‘Pathbreaking,’ says a Harvard economist.

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Indian women and children wait at a clinic where J-PAL researchers investigate a better way to bring medical treatment to developing areas.

Data points of light

MIT’s undergraduates fight poverty one statistic at a time, thanks to coordination between the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program and the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab.

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A person's hands using a sewing machine

Saving labor

Political scientist Richard Locke says our system of improving factory conditions around the world is broken.
He proposes a new solution.

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