Turning up the heat
Fine-tuning thermal hydraulics in reactors, doctoral student Guanyu Su hopes to advance more powerful nuclear energy technology.
Fine-tuning thermal hydraulics in reactors, doctoral student Guanyu Su hopes to advance more powerful nuclear energy technology.
Model finds operating nuclear plants flexibly can reduce electricity costs, increase revenue for nuclear plants, and cut carbon emissions in electric power systems.
Mingda Li seeks to harness atomic irregularities in materials for improved energy applications.
An early calling for clean energy propels undergraduate Ka-Yen Yau’s research on the next generation of nuclear technology.
MIT Energy Initiative founding member Eni announces support for key research through MIT Laboratory for Innovation in Fusion Technologies.
Researchers will work with industrial collaborators to pursue fusion as a source of carbon-free power.
Goal is for research to produce a working pilot plant within 15 years.
New technologies, systems, and business models are rapidly changing the energy landscape, experts attest.
Jacopo Buongiorno and John Parsons, co-directors of the MITEI Low-Carbon Energy Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems, discuss how to overcome the challenges and realize the benefits of expanding nuclear power.
Study finds that turbulence competes in fusion plasmas to rapidly respond to temperature perturbations.
MIT senior and Marshall Scholar Nick Schwartz wants to solve the energy problem — and make people smile along the way.
MIT’s historic graphite exponential pile has been restored as a tool for education and research.
Theoretical analysis uncovers new mechanisms in plasma turbulence.
MIT Nuclear Reactor Laboratory's superintendent works to give more students the opportunity to work with and learn from the reactor.
Undergraduate Olorunsola “Jerry” Akinsulire spearheads a new builder space in the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering.