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Displaying 106 - 119 of 119 news articles related to this topic.

Collective memory

An MIT project provides a way to preserve information in constantly changing networks, without resorting to a shared server.

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Google Maps currently provides data about traffic conditions, labeling congested routes in red and open ones in green. But those data would be much more accurate and timely if cars themselves acted as sensors.

Cars as traffic sensors

A new algorithm optimizes the dissemination of information about traffic and road conditions through networks of wirelessly connected cars.

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Rethinking networking

MIT researchers helped develop a theory that promised much more efficient data networks; then they were the first to put it into practice.

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In a wireless network, different transmission frequencies work better for different users. That's because the same transmission reaches each user along several different paths; at one frequency, the signals arriving over different paths might reinforce each other, while at another frequency, they might cancel each other out.

Sharing the air

Unused wireless spectrum is getting scarce; MIT researchers are teaching emerging technologies to coexist in what's left

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