Music as a gateway to shared humanity
Iconic composer A. R. Rahman visits MIT campus to learn more about new technologies.
Iconic composer A. R. Rahman visits MIT campus to learn more about new technologies.
Study links piano education with better word discrimination by kindergartners.
Composer, musician, and former MIT visiting artist received a 2018 Tony Award for best orchestrations on “The Band's Visit.”
Math and physics major Shaun Datta wraps up four years of pushing himself beyond his comfort zone by singing a cappella with the MIT Logarhythms.
Joe Brown '07 has become a successful choreographer and dancer, most recently performing with Beyoncé at this year's Coachella Music Festival.
For students in MIT's oldest co-ed a capella group, blending voices provides a creative outlet and a chance to share their love of song.
Playful Learning Lab, founded by AnnMarie Thomas ’01, is collaborating with rock band OK Go to create hands-on PK-12 engineering experiences.
Ambitious new piece in his “City Symphony” series features the birthplace of American democracy.
A mercurial snapshot of the myriad ways in which MIT community members can express themselves through the arts
Famed cellist delivers MIT’s annual Compton Lecture, adding some musical interludes.
Faculty recital by Institute Professor is a chance to reflect on progress, both personal and political.
MIT senior Anjali Misra is drawn to health care problems that don’t have easy answers.
Renowned cellist will speak in March on the role of culture in a strong society.