Faithfully supporting well-being
Ezra Zuckerman Sivan, Jinhua Zhao, and Kamal Youcef-Toumi honored as “Committed to Caring.”
Ezra Zuckerman Sivan, Jinhua Zhao, and Kamal Youcef-Toumi honored as “Committed to Caring.”
A machine learning algorithm combines data on the disease's spread with a neural network, to help predict when infections will slow down in each country.
The $90,000 merit-based fellowship funds graduate studies for outstanding immigrants and children of immigrants.
A team from MIT has designed disposable face shields that can be mass produced quickly to address hospitals’ needs nationwide.
Technique may enable speedy, on-demand design of softer, safer neural devices.
Professor Martin Culpepper provides caution on the use of 3D printing to make masks and other PPE for individuals on the front lines of the Covid-19 crisis.
MIT senior Michelle Kornberg uses her background in mechanical and ocean engineering to track how climate change has impacted underwater environments.
A new way of making polymers adhere to surfaces may enable better biomedical sensors and implants.
A new approach reveals how different tissues contribute to inflammatory diseases such as ulcerative colitis.
With help from artificial intelligence, researchers identify hidden power of vitamin A and ordinary chewing gum glaze.
Graduate engineering program is No. 1 in the nation; MIT Sloan is No. 5.
Faculty members recognized for excellence via a diverse array of honors, grants, and prizes over the last quarter.
Institute ranks second in five subject areas.
Technique could help improve design of soft materials to withstand jostling during transport or settling due to gravity.
New members have made advances in computer architecture, network coding, ocean engineering, higher education, and quantum computation.