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Displaying 871 - 885 of 1317 news articles related to this topic.
A simulation with no hurricane-induced mixing shows a year of modern hurricane tracks and sea surface temperatures colored by intensity (blue is weaker, red is stronger).

Ancient hurricanes

Intense hurricane activity millions of years ago may have caused and sustained warmer climate conditions, new research suggests

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Figuring out where to put the carbon

If we plan to keep using fossil fuels, we need to figure out how to sequester the resulting carbon dioxide. New tools from MIT could help evaluate where to do it — and how to keep it contained.

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Harriet Ritvo’s new book, 'The Dawn of Green: Manchester, Thirlmere, and Modern Environmentalism'

Not easy being green

MIT historian Harriet Ritvo explains how a battle to save an English lake helped found modern environmentalism — but might worry greens today

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