Kwanghun Chung awarded Packard Fellowship
Funding will support the development of novel technologies for better understanding of large-scale biological systems.
Triggered earthquakes give insight into changes below Earth’s surface
Quakes can change elastic properties of the Earth’s crust up to 6,000 kilometers away.
Taking stress to a new level
MIT spinout Neumitra brings an innovative approach to quantifying, understanding, and managing stress.
Using microbes to clean up oil spills
Professor Catherine Drennan and graduate student Michael Funk want energy production and environmental protection to go hand in hand.
Leveraging genetic diversity to drive precision medicine
Taking advantage of genetic heterogeneity in autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders could lead to precision therapies.
Matthew Shoulders receives NIH director's New Innovator Award
Seventy-eight grants awarded to scientists proposing highly innovative approaches to major contemporary challenges in biomedical research.
David Benney, emeritus professor of mathematics, dies at 85
World-renowned applied mathematician's 50-year career at MIT included service as Department of Mathematics head from 1989 to 1999.
A “fair and ambitious” pledge? Not quite
Study finds pledges by top greenhouse gas emitters leaves little room for others; urges greater R&D.
Latest experiment at Large Hadron Collider reports first results
Scientists precisely count particles produced in a typical proton collision.
Faculty highlight: Nuh Gedik
Associate professor's work on topological insulators and atomically thin materials yields new, laser-driven approaches to materials for electronics.
The second semiconductor revolution
Materials Day, Oct. 14, presents insights into the next generation of extremely thin, tough quantum materials for sensing, energy. and computing devices.
J-WAFS Solutions awards two $150,000 commercialization grants
Renewable grants awarded to PIs in materials science and engineering, chemical engineering, and biology.
MIT’s response to earthquake in Nepal
MIT supports recovery and learning following earthquake in Nepal.