3 Questions: Using fabric to “listen” to space dust
Fabric samples are headed to the International Space Station for resiliency testing; possible applications include cosmic dust detectors or spacesuit smart skins.
Fabric samples are headed to the International Space Station for resiliency testing; possible applications include cosmic dust detectors or spacesuit smart skins.
Choucri, Drennan, Fisher, Gershenfeld, Li, and Rus are recognized for their efforts to advance science.
Family of compounds could someday be useful for fuel cells, supercapacitors, catalysts, and sensors.
Danielle Grey-Stewart and Ghadah Alshalan will begin postgraduate studies at Oxford University next fall.
Gelatin-based microcarriers offer higher yield and scalability compared to existing commercial microcarriers.
Podcast from MIT OpenCourseWare showcasing the Institute’s inspiring instructors and their courses enters second season.
Inspired by camel fur, a new two-layered material could provide extended cooling to preserve the freshness of perishable goods.
Davis, in conversation with Senior Associate Dean Blanche Staton, fields questions from the MIT community about the current moment of racial reckoning.
An online symposium explores roles for research universities and outlines the Institute’s efforts to be a testbed for research and policy innovations.
With shimmering colors and twisting vines, the annual glass pumpkin patch moves online to adapt to the pandemic.
Normally an insulator, diamond becomes a metallic conductor when subjected to large strain in a new theoretical model.
Funds will support research on glaucoma through retinal biometrics and neural cell implantation therapy for spinal cord injury.
Funding will support workshops to advance research, development, and translation in emerging areas of socioresilient and sustainable infrastructure, and in ocean environments.
The single piece of glass produces crisp panoramic images.
Eight 2020 graduate fellows pursue diverse paths.