Dongkeun Park: Winding his way to medical insights
Francis Bitter Magnet Lab researcher continues a decades-long pursuit to create a revolutionary magnet for nuclear magnetic resolution spectroscopy.
Francis Bitter Magnet Lab researcher continues a decades-long pursuit to create a revolutionary magnet for nuclear magnetic resolution spectroscopy.
Theoretical analysis uncovers new mechanisms in plasma turbulence.
Three from the Plasma Science and Fusion Center spend time with the Middle East Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow.
MIT research scientist is exploring how machine learning can predict and prevent disruptions in reactors.
Nuclear science and engineering graduate student receives Department of Energy Innovation Award for his work on plasma turbulence.
Incoming freshman refreshes Plasma Science and Fusion Center outreach tools.
When not climbing mountains, nuclear science and engineering PhD candidate Leigh Ann Kesler tracks erosion inside fusion reactor containment chambers.
The Plasma Science and Fusion Center explores a new recipe for heating plasma.
Plasma Science and Fusion Center researchers Petrasso, Seguin, and Li honored for developing a novel radiography technique.
Nuclear Science and Engineering Associate Professor Nuno Loureiro ponders the origins of magnetic fields.
Newly-appointed Assistant Professor Zach Hartwig's mission is to use nuclear technology to benefit society and the environment.
PhD candidate explores the intersection of theory and engineering.
Sophomore researches fusion energy and promotes STEM opportunities for young women.
Master's candidate explores ways to cool high-temperature superconductors used in fusion research.
Ph.D candidate enjoys a range of fusion research from coast to coast.