Dresselhaus, Graybiel, Luu receive 2012 Kavli Prizes
Biennial prizes in astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience include a $1 million cash award in each field.
Biennial prizes in astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience include a $1 million cash award in each field.
MIT Lincoln Laboratory's role in this seminal R&D effort is honored
Recognized for longtime contributions to atmospheric, oceanic sciences.
Honored for their role in the Near Earth Object Observation Program
Researchers at MIT’s Lincoln Lab have developed new radar technology that provides real-time video of what’s going on behind solid walls.
MIT Lincoln Laboratory honored for outstanding participation.
Lincoln Laboratory technical staff member honored for his service at field site.
Award recognizes contributions to research programs and support to cadets at West Point
Awards recognize innovations in imaging technology, radar sensors, computing and biology.
Technical awards for early career achievement, best paper and best invention also presented.
MIT students build an unmanned aircraft for MIT Lincoln Laboratory research
Recognized for its strong commitment to community service
Honors lab's contributions to employees' professional growth