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Diversity on the World Stage

The second part of the "Human Diversity and Social Order Forum" — taking place from 7–9 p.m. tonight on the sixth floor of the Media Lab complex — will explore the competition among a handful of sovereign powers, the exploitation of peoples and global resources, the relevance of economic power, and the efficacy of international institutions created to mitigate conflicts. As we struggle to define a universal set of rights and modes of conduct, diverse peoples of the world take their cues from current global interactions and enter the world stage with their crafts, mores, and world views.

  • Chair: Bishwapriya Sanyal, Ford International Professor of Urban Development and Planning and Director of the Program for Urban and Regional Studies, MIT
  • Nazli Choucri, Professor of Political Science, Associate Director of the MIT Technology and Development Program, and Head of the Middle East Program at MIT
  • Geoffrey A. P. Groesbeck, Legatum Fellowship Programmes, Legatum Center for Development & Entrepreneurship at MIT
  • Joanne Mariner, Director, Human Rights Program, Hunter College, City University of New York
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