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Said and Done

Humanities, arts, and social sciences digest for November 2010

Said and Done is the monthly photo-rich publication from MIT's School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences, integrating feature articles with news, research and events to give you a distilled overview of the school’s endeavors. You can also go deeper and learn more — following links to in-depth stories, profiles, and research briefs, as well as videos of memorable performances, lectures and presentations. For the complete November edition, visit Said and Done. A few highlights include:

An exaltation of concerts
This is a season of many wonderful concerts generated by the School's Music and Theater Arts section. For details on forthcoming performances by the Chamber Chorus, MIT Symphony, Rambax, the Wind Ensemble, MITHAS, the Jazz Combo, Chamber Music Society, and many others, visit Said and Done.

Pauline Maier's Ratification delivers new knowledge about the most consequential political debate in American history
"This book is a stunning examination of what Maier calls 'the beginning of American national politics' — the debate that explains the way we Americans govern ourselves, resolve disputes, conduct diplomacy, choose leaders and protect our freedoms." (from Bloomberg Review)
Full story at Said and Done

How can we improve education worldwide?
Researchers at the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) are working to take the guesswork out of poverty alleviation programs by providing the scientific evidence needed to guide global policy. Cited by The New York Times as a prime example of how economics can “make the world a better place,” J-PAL uses methods similar to those used in medicine — systematic, randomized evaluations — to test the effectiveness of development programs, including education initiatives.
More at Said and Done

The research of this school appears principally in the form of books, as well as music and theater productions. These works are a steady source of new knowledge and analysis, innovation and insight, guidance for policy and nourishment for lives. 

Take a look

Nobel laureate Diamond holds press conference
As reported in last month's edition of Said and Done, Peter Diamond PhD '63, Institute Professor and professor of economics, won the 2010 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. A video of Diamond's press conference at MIT is now available. 

Watch video at Said and Done

Economist Amy Finkelstein wins Presidential Early Career Award
On Nov. 5, President Barack Obama named Amy Finkelstein, professor of economics, a recipient of the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of independent research careers.
More at Said and Done

BSO Interview with John Harbison, Composer and Institute Professor
Boston Symphony Orchestra Media Center
 | Interview with John Harbison, and commentary on his works
Watch at Said and Done

Said and Done | Full Edition | November 2010

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