Postdoctoral associate Luiz Godoy has won the Sustainability at MIT Photo Contest for his image of compact fluorescent light bulbs "growing" in Killian Court.
Godoy, who works in the laboratory of Professor Gerald N. Wogan, the Underwood-Prescott Professor of Toxicology emeritus and professor of chemistry emeritus, said he decided to enter the contest at the recommendation of a friend from the lab. During two consecutive weekends earlier this spring, he spent several hours strolling around MIT seeking sources of inspiration.
The inspiration hit while he was shopping and came across the light bulbs. "I thought, why not use them as a symbol of energy savings and green ideas and combine them with something that represents MIT --Â and there's nothing better than the dome itself."
As the contest winner, Godoy takes home an iPod Touch, donated jointly by the MIT Energy Initiative and the Sustainability Program of the EHS Headquarters Office.
The Sustainability at MIT Photo Contest, launched in February, was sponsored by the MIT News Office and by the Campus Energy Task Force of the MIT Energy Initiative.
The contest organizers wish to thank all those who submitted entries, as well as the MIT community members who served as judges: Donna Coveney, Judy Daniels, Jason Dorfman, Peter Fisher, Patti Richards and Malaika Thorne.
The contest was open to all current MIT staff, students and faculty. Judges evaluated entries based on originality, aesthetics and relevance to the topic.
Learn more about the activities of the Campus Energy Task Force at http://web.mit.edu/mitei/campus.
A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on April 29, 2009 (download PDF).